I adore these craft events!
Back in Virginia (where I had my business for 7 years), I started doing these craft events! These are completely FREE to the public!
If I get a good response and attendance, I will try and do 1 for most holidays!
Often times, I will find a craft that works for all ages, sometimes I will have one that will be best for either younger or older kiddos!
I have an abundance of watercolor paper, and I found this cute craft (thanks Pinterest!) so let's get this started!
Fill out the form below if you plan on attending!
This way, I can make sure I have more than enough watercolor papers prepared (I'm going to get them all ready a few days before!)
This craft is super simple! I will prepare the watercolor paper before hand (with a magical sugar solution!) and when the kids paint on the paper with watercolors, the outline will show up!!!
You can choose from either a spider web or a ghost! If I can think of another fairly easy outline to draw, I'll do that as well!
don't forget to come dressed in costume so I can take your picture and have it ready to download the next day for you!